Value Added Activities
A series of lectures in generic shipping topics to assist the students appearing for the ICS Examination, the Knowledge Series has been popular for over 15 years now, not only among the ICS students but also among the practitioners in the local shipping industry. Some of the Dubai based companies use these lectures as a training platform for their staff. Experienced members of the Branch volunteer as Tutors for these sessions.
Maintaining skills and knowledge about the industry and its practices, if not enhancing them is essential for career growth of every professional. Being a professional body, the ICS strives to enhance the knowledge and skills of its members continuously. The CPD sessions expose the members to various segments of the shipping industry and its allied functions. Experts, members and non- members of ICS, are invited to talk on various topics related to shipping and logistics and its allied functions.
Every practicing professional aspires to expand his or her own contacts in the industry. Expanding the network of industry contacts is not only an advantage but has also become essential in todays’ competitive world of commercial shipping. ICS provides opportunity to network with fellow industry professionals through the Networking sessions which are held over high tea or dinner where members exchange ideas and experiences.
Appearing for a professional examination while working in a challenging industry such as Shipping and Logistics is not an easy task. The Prep sessions guides the students on various aspects such as study methods, exam writing skills, contemporary industry issues, questions from past Exams and the Examiners reports are discussed in these sessions.
Bespoke training sessions for companies are conducted by the ICS ME branch. Experienced trainers in the Branch who are practicing professionals, first study the training requirement of the client and then design a training program specially addressing the needs of the client. Academic knowledge combined with practical experience imparted using variety of methods such as Games, Group discussions, audio / visual presentations, Quiz and Role play makes these programmes interesting for the participants.